Proud to be an Award-Winning PTA!

Head Start Award - For submitting 75% of last year's membership total by 8/31.


MARS Involvement Award - For appointing or electing at least 1 male to serve on our PTA executive board.


Mars Membership - Recruited at least 50 male members to our PTA.


Early Bird - Submitting at least 100% of last year’s membership total by 9/30.

Student Membership - Having at least 50 student members.

Good Standing - Comply with these standards: Electronically file 990 after the PTA fiscal year-end so it is accepted and added to the IRS report, Register all executive board members with PTA, Upload member rosters and pay dues, Submit updated/amended bylaws every 3 years, and Submit updated/amended standing rules every 3 years. 


Snappy Increase - Submitting more than 100 percent of last years membership total by 10/31. 


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